Indespensible DIY Paracord Man-Craft Tool

Spool Envy...Satisfied!
I've gotten a TON of questions from folks who want to know where in the heck I got the red paracord spool that I have shown in my survival training and product review videos... and every time, I have had to tell them: "A Yard Sale"... Serious!!! That's where I found it. And it was probably a repurposed kite string spool... at best. Yep, it's pretty lame really. SOOO... I have NOT been able to find a quality paracord spool that I can recommend... especially one that will survive the rigors of a SHTF or WCS event, let alone a weekend camping trip... UNTIL NOW!!!
The TricornE Paracord Spool Tool is the bushcrafter, survivalist and prepper's dream come true. It keeps up to 100' of 550 paracord neat and tidy in my pack, pocket or kit. It's made out of an EXTRA thick polymer, so it's lightweight yet super stout. Practical Features
Mine came with 100' of OD Green 550 and a super quality Bic Brand mini lighter that fit's perfectly in the specially designed holder that is part of the spool. A lighter is a necessary and convenient tool for closing up the end of your paracord after a cut. And having it "on board" is especially nifty! In a survival situation, of course, the lighter alone could save your life as it will make starting a fire a breeze... an added bonus!!!
On the other side of the spool tool we have an inset paracord or general cordage cutter that is similar to a box cutter, but is recessed so that it only cuts when called into action. And the blade is a 100% user replaceable utility knife razor blade. How cool is that?
So, whether working with a full piece of paracord, the outer casing or inner strands, a slight twist of the wrist and cutting motion with the hand is about all it takes to slice through cord using this on-board cutter... and all without having to let go of the spool - which comes in real handy. This alone saves time and frustration AND having to hold the spool in place with your knee or foot while getting the cord taut enough to cut through it with your knife. So this integrated blade is a very useful innovation!!!
Like Having an Extra Pair of Hands Now... 8 perfectly formed paracord notch holder slots are provided just north of the top of the lighter - 4 on each side. Use one notch to hold your paracord end when not in use. These notches are also as good as an extra pair of hands when weaving your paracord creations. If you've ever done this, you know what I mean. If you haven't, trust me, you will. Seems I can always use an extra pair of hands when working with paracord :)
On the bottom of the tool, on one side... there is a larger hole for holding cord loosely, but close at hand, while creating. You can also add a lanyard here to keep your spool tool secure during travel. I would probably cry if I lost mine on the trail or in the woods. NO, I KNOW would cry!
Homemade Oh... and did I say the TricornE Paracord Spool Tool is made in the good ole' US of A? Yep... don't hear that very often anymore. Made in USA! I just like the way that sounds. And this tool passes the muster of what I would expect in design and craftsmanship from a tool that touts its USA origin.
So... the bottom line is this: Everyone should get this tool - period!!! I AM serious. "Why?" You might ask. Well, because everyone NEEDS to have paracord in their bug out bag, emergency kit or survival kit. If you don't know why, search "paracord basics" on Google and watch my video on the subject... you'll be glad you did. So, if you have read my ramblings to this point... you (or someone you love) likely needs this tool!!! Trust me on this one. Just get it... you'll thank me later.
More Paracord Products
For more paracord fun, check out the handy collection of paracord pictured above, which includes keyrings and bracelet clips for making your own bracelets and key fobs. Also, this book in the photo is a treasure trove of ideas for even more paracord projects. Enjoy!
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