You can determine your chances of surviving any critical crisis, emergency or catastrophe by developing what you WILL need *then* - NOW. How? By increasing your "survival probability" quotient through the habits, attitudes, and mindset you choose today. Let...
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I think our family has been through enough seasons of low or no income for me to be an “authority” on how to get through a season of deprivation. Of course, planning in plenty for times of lack is...
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In America, on July 4th we celebrate THE Day of July 4th, 1776 when our courageous Founding Fathers, put their lives and legacies on the line to publicly declare, in writing, that 13 American colonies now regarded themselves as...
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Has this happened to you? A small "thing" escalates to a full blown crisis because of poor or sloppy communication. Now imagine the stress and pressure of a real disaster, crisis, emergency or survival situation. To help, here's 9 tips...
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