MSK-1 Pre-Order Update #6

If all goes well, this will be your last MSK-1 knife kit update.
Short Update + Final Shipping Plan
I have confirmed with my sheath manufacturer that he is finishing up making, and will be shipping the MSK-1 Outer Nylon Sheaths and MSK-1 Kit Pouches to us (in Pennsylvania) this week.
New MSK-1 Firesteel
If you have MSK-1 Firesteel on your order - my manufacturer could not meet our deadline (again) so it was time for him to go.
But no worries...
I don't give up easy.
After about 2 days of not knowing what to do - I had an idea. So I decided to hit the CAD software to redesign the firesteel kit and make it better than before. (See design and prototype below).
Necessity IS the Mother of Invention - and all of that...
Meet MSK-1 Firesteel 2.0
The handle is much grippier now (and is much easier to hold when it is cold out).
I also designed the ferrocerium rod to be 30% longer than the previous version which makes fire-making easier.
And, to expedite making them, I decided to bring the manufacturing in house.
Final Shipping Plan?
So my new revised, updated, revised plan is to ship your MSK-1 kit (that contains one or more of the items above), On or BEFORE December 10th.
BAM! That's it. See? Short and sweet. Look for your shipping notification soon.
Thank you for your continued patience,
Final CAD Design of MSK-1 Firesteel 2.0 Handle
After about 30 hours of design and prototyping - MSK-1 Firesteel 2.0 Was Born