MSK-1 Knife Conquers Kickstarter - $197,693 Raised - 1317% Funded

When I launched the MSK-1 (Multi-Scenario Knife) on Kickstarter - May 16th, 2016 - All I knew was that Jeff Freeman and I had poured everything we had (for TWO years) into designing, building and testing - what ended up being a very special, all-purpose, survival knife. Now it was time to release MSK-1 to the world... but I had no idea if anyone else would feel the same. So, if I am honest, I was a bit nervous as I clicked, "Post Campaign."
Support Began Immediately
I posted the MSK-1 Campaign on Kickstarter at around 2:00 AM EST to make sure everything was working properly. To my surprise (as I was still working on the campaign content), people were starting to mysteriously find the MSK-1 and pledge. This was all before I had even told anyone it was live. That was the "ahh haa" moment when started to understand the power of crowd-funding platforms like Kickstarter. Since the Kickstarter launch on May 16, the outpouring of support and encouragement for this project had been humbling, sweet and more than just a little overwhelming.
Ultimate Survival Tips Knife - Crushes Kickstarter Goal
Our original goal was to raise $15,000 - which was met in less than two days. With the help and support of many, MSK-1 has now raised $197,693 and is 1317% funded. That's nuts! It's been crazy ride for sure.MSK-1 is Available! ORDER Now
Having exceeded our goal, MSK-1 (and the MSK-1 Mini Neck Knife) are going into production. Even though the Kickstarter Campaign is over, you can still Pre-Order MSK-1 right now.
See What Knife News Has to Say About MSK-1
Thank you for your help and support! Warmest Regards,
Founder / Owner Ultimate Survival Tips