10 Common Roadblocks to Achieving Your Dreams - #077

We've all had hopes and dreams dashed. We've all set goals only to look back on New Year's Day the following year to realize we never attained what we had hoped. So today we are going to reveal 10 Common Roadblocks to Achieving Your Life and Preparedness Goals… And How to Overcome Them!
Welcome to THE SURVIVAL SHOW Podcast - where it’s our job to take you step-by-step through the mindset, skills, tactics and gear you need to survive almost any crisis, emergency or disaster - AND show you how to use the lessons you learn - TODAY - to thrive in your life - TOMORROW.
NOTE: Below are the podcast show notes. Listen to full podcast and follow along with the notes podcast below...
Let's get started...
Often people who need or could benefit from a training the most do not show up… Why?
- Don’t care apathy
- Don’t see a need
- Self Delusion
- Ego / Pride
- Other
Benefits / Importance of Training
- Self Betterment
- Learn Valuable Skills
- Confidence Building
- Can make us better - more productive human beings
- Actively Taking Responsibility for Self
- Preparing for Future
- Pursuing Interests
- Steps Toward Accomplishing Bigger Objectives and Goals
- TRAINING is an INVESTMENT IN THE FUTURE - So by It’s Nature it is Forward thinking and is Hopeful in general.
- Getting a Realistic Perspective - Everything almost always seems easier than it is in reality.
- Mindset is tested when THINGS GET REAL
- Skills are tested when crutches are removed…
- [David’s Most and Least Favorite] Exposes Unknown Weaknesses - SO they can be fixed…
IMPORTANCE of Preparedness and Survival Training - Why should people Prioritize it?
- Lack of Vision
- Excuses / Laziness
- Money / Time
- “I WISH” Syndrome. I wish I could fly a plane. I wish I could play bass guitar like him Billy.
- Wasting Time - Living our lives vicariously through others - Netfilx, YouTube etc. - Social Media Surfing…
- Life Surfing - Just going with the flow
- Bad Habits / Sin
- Lack of Core Values or Life Priorities
- Genuine Lack of Confidence
- Habitually Breaking Commitments
- Unrealistic Expectations
- Work Ethic Issues
- Entitlement / Poverty Mentality - Culture: Something for Nothing
- Gear is Good Enough… Who needs training
- I can learn everything I need from YouTube.
- Microwave / Get Rich Quick Culture: Short cuts that Never work…
- Many People SIMPLY Don’t Set or Know How to Set Goals - And they Give Up….
Next Time - I’d like to talk about SMART Goal Setting and how this simple strategy can help us all Demolishing Barriers to Success (in general) and Prioritize our Preparedness and Survival Training Needs.
Action Steps
- Write down two or three major obstacles to accomplishing your goals from the list we just went over.
- Write Down One or Two Preparedness or Survival Skills You want to learn this year.
- Write down how you want to learn these - Online Class or Training, Live Training, From Someone you Know, From a Book….
- Now write down the realistic date you want to learn the above skills by…
And we will pick up on next time when we discuss smart goals…
Get in on training opportunities we have available to you… And for a limited here are a few discounts (Note: these classes and discounts may end at anytime)…
- Tiny Guide - Use Code SurvivalShow25 for 25% off Tiny Guides @ https://ultimatesurvivaltips.com/products/tiny-survival-guide
- Tiny Survival Masterclass - Use Code TINY25 for 25% off masterclass - or any of our individual course for a limited time @ TinySurvivalMasterClass.com
- Craig's In-Person - Live Training Classes in Kentucky @ Nature Reliance School: https://naturereliance.org/collections/classes
HBO / Help a Brother Out: Give us 5 STARS and a Review - Subscribe - Like - Share the Podcast…
Until Next Time - Keep It Simple - Stay Positive - and Be Sharp…