Bug Out Bootcamp - E2: Grayman Bug Out, #1 Killer Mistake + Poor Man’s BOB

▶︎ Let's Get Into: How to cut half the weight of your Bug Out Bag and still have everything you need - Urban camo techniques you can use to disguise your bug out bag and repel thieves - Why you need to look like you are homeless during and urban bug out - How to put together a virtually free, “poor mans” bug out bag in a few hours… And a lot more…
Listen to the Podcast: Click Here
Download FULL Show Notes PDF: Click Here
▶︎ Checkout David’s Sweet NEW PACK-1 Knife: https://www.pack1knife.com
▶︎ Get the SHOW NOTES (with HOT links to all the gear we discussed today) HERE: https://ultimatesurvivaltips.com/blogs/the-survival-show
▶︎ Take 25% Off Anything in Our Shop (Use CODE SURVIVALSHOW25 at checkout): https://ultimatesurvivaltips.com/
▶︎ Build Your Custom EDC Survival Kit Here
▶︎ Checkout Tyler's Website and Stuff @ TJackSurvival.com - SurvivalDispatch.com
▶︎ Online Survival MASTERCLASS (Get Up to Speed Fast!): https://www.tinysurvivalmasterclass.com
▶︎ Checkout Tylers’s Website and Stuff @ TJackSurvival.com
▶︎ Visit ULTIMATE SURVIVAL TIPS Website: https://ultimatesurvivaltips.com/
ADDITIONAL Resources and Links:
▶︎ David's MSK-1 Knife: https://ultimatesurvivaltips.com/pages/msk-1-knife
▶︎ Get Your Harvest Right Freeze Dryer - SPECIAL DEAL for TSS Listeners: Use Link: ultimatesurvivaltips.com/freeze (For FREE Shipping, Upgraded Premium Pump and Starter Kit)
Gear List WAY Down Below...
Welcome to THE SURVIVAL SHOW Podcast - I’m David… the founder of Ultimate Survival Tips and your host for todays show…
Today I am going to continue our Bug Out Bootcamp Series with my guest co-host Mr. Tyler White.
Tyler has served in many guide, training, intelligence and recon capacities both privately and in and with the US Military and several three letter agencies… and I’m happy to have him back to discuss:
Bug Out Bootcamp - E2: This Bug Out Mistake Will Kill You + Poor Man’s BOB Hack
- How to cut half the weight of your Bug Out Bag and still have everything you need
- Urban camo techniques you can use to disguise your bug out bag and repel thieves.
- Why you need to look like you are homeless during and urban bug out
- How to put together a virtually free, “poor mans” bug out bag in a few hours…
- And a lot more…
But Before We Get Into all this great content… let me ask you a question…
Do you love the informative and family friendly survival, preparedness and personal growth content that we share with you every week?
If so… can you do me THREE solid favors right now…
First, help me accomplish our goal of doubling our audience size in the next 3 months so that we can help even more people be prepared - before it’s too late…
By… ONE - sharing this - your family friendly preparedness podcast - with the people you care about…
TWO - Go leave an honest FIVE STAR review and comment where ever you listen.
You can help me get the additional staff we need at so that I can have a life and out team can continue to serve up podcasts, videos and unique survival and preparedness gear that you can’t find anywhere else… by going over to UltimateSUrvivalTips.com and subscribing to my weekly survival e-mag.
By doing so you will get weekly tips, tricks, training, and be the first to know about our new MSK-1 knife and gear releases and giveaways.
And while you’re there… you can also grab the show notes for this podcast including checklists and gear links… AND pick up some of my survival and preparedness gear - at UltimateSurvivalTips.com
To encourage you help us out… I am going to give you a full 25% off ANYTHING in our store including our - Made in the USA - MSK-1 and new PACK-1 survival knives.
As a THANK YOU for your support - use Code: SURVIVALSHOW25 at check out over at UltimateSurvivalTips.com
That’s CODE: SURVIVALSHOW25. For 25% off anything in our store for the next week at UltimateSurvivalTips.com
Thank you in advance for your encouragement and support…
Okay… let get into today’s show…
Listen to the Podcast: Click Here
Download FULL Show Notes PDF: Click Here
Always Know Where You Are
Know Your Mission
Have a Plan
Fitness: Move in Ways that Others Can’t
- Get and Stay Fit
- Fast Pack
- Go Ultra Light
Mindset is Key
Appalachian Trail Story - Drop your gear here!
Going Ultralight Could Save Your Life
REMEMBER - Weight will DESTROY You.
Carry what you can comfortably on foot. Maximum weight is 35lbs. but it should be around 25 lbs. @ NO MORE than 15% body weight.
You want to be able to get:
- Further
- Farther
- Faster than others
Key: The more you know the less you carry
Poor Man’s Bug Out Bag
You probably have the basics of everything you need in your house. Organize it in a bag. Write what to add in a bug out. BAM!!!
Grayman - Bug Out
Attention Grabbers:
- Size
- Style
- Color
Look Like You are Homeless - Urban Tactic
Deter criminal activity
Hide in plain sight
Use slight of hand and misdirection
REMEMBER - Weight will DESTROY You.
Carry what you can comfortably on foot. Maximum weight is 35lbs. but it should be around 25 lbs. @ NO MORE than 15% body weight.
You want to be able to get:
- Further
- Farther
- Faster than others
Key: The more you know the less you carry
Find Tyler at...
Ultralight Packs and Gear:
Ultimate Direction: https://ultimatedirection.com/fastpackher-30/
Grey Ghost Gear: https://greyghostgear.com/
Checkout Tyler's Stuff @ TJackSurvival.com - SurvivalDispatch.com
Tactical Taylor Gear: https://tacticaltailor.com/malice-pack/
Seek Outside Ultralight Packs and Tents: https://seekoutside.com/lightweight-backpacks/
Vertex Gear: https://vertx.com/
Luna Sandals: https://lunasandals.com/
Maxpedition Urban Grayman Packs: https://www.maxpedition.com/
Ultimate Survival Tips https://ultimatesurvivaltips.com/
HERE's ALL the Gear David Uses and Recommends:
Now before we head out of here I’d like you to do TWO things to help us - help others LEARN how to be better prepared now - before disaster strikes…
FIRST - Please pay it forward… by sharing our FAMILY FRIENDLY content… with the ones you love… and on social media… Then Go give us a 5 Star Rating and Honest review wherever you listen to this podcast…
And SECOND… Go on OVER to our MOTHER SHIP - UltimateSurvivalTips.com com and check it out… There’s LOTS of free content like our Weekly Survival E-Mag Newsletter AND while you are there, check out my MSK-1 Knives and all the EDC Survival Gear I designed for you and the ones you love…
And WHILE you are there… don’t forget to click on the PODCAST Tab to get the Show Notes PDF (with links) to things we discussed today…