Food Forever: Small Footprint Disaster Food Production - DRH Part 4: #96

Listen to the Podcast: Click Here - Today Creek and I are gonna finish up our discussion on building a “FOREVER FOOD” system… Which is all about how you can grow, raise and forage for some or all of your food needs FOREVER in the event of a catastrophic / long term interruption in your food supply.
Download FULL Show Notes PDF: Click Here
Today We’ll Get Into:
- Everything you need to start a highly productive, raised bed garden (almost anywhere) using Heritage seeds.
- Urban and Rural Beekeeping.
- Why having a small footprint food production plan is so important.
- Edible and medicinal plant landscapes around our homes.
- Traditional ways to preserve your food
- How to UTILIZE your FOREVER FOOD - Surplus as a valuable BARTER asset in a worst case scenario situation…
• And a lot more...
Download FULL Show Notes PDF: Click Here
Listen to the Podcast: Click Here
Links Mentioned in Podcast:
David’s Introduction to BeeKeeping Video:
Excalibur Food Dehydrators
Baker Creek Heirloom Seeds
Heirloom Garden Seed Kit
No Dig Gardening Book
Back to Basics (Classic Book)
Visit Today’s Guest Co-Host - Creek Stewart
Go Check Out EVERYTHING Creek is Up To (and Grab His FREE Wild Edible Course) @
The Disaster Ready Home (New Book by Creek Stewart) on Amazon
Free Ultimate Survival Tips Survival E-Mag:
Tiny First Aid Guide and Save 20%…
It’s been a blessing to see it receive rave reviews and becoming a #1 NEW Release in First Aid over on Amazon - So to get this guide in your hands as soon as possible - go over to and use CODE: FIRSTAID20 (at checkout) for 20% off Tiny First Aid Guides. Also check out David’s MSK-1 Knife and EDC Gear at Tiny
HARVEST RIGHT Freeze Dryers (Save Around $1,000) - Use this link to get FREE SHIPPING, a Premiere Pump Upgrade and a FREE Starter Kit of Bags, Oxygen Absorbers, Heat Sealer - Everything you need when you use this link:
David’s Freezer Dryer Setup and “How to Video”: And for my full VIDEO review on YouTube -
Today Creek and I are gonna finish up our discussion on building a “FOREVER FOOD” system… Which is all about how you can grow, raise and forage for some or all of your food needs FOREVER in the event of a catastrophic / long term interruption in your food supply.
Today We’ll Get Into:
- Everything you need to start a highly productive, raised bed garden (almost anywhere) using Heritage seeds.
- Urban and Rural Beekeeping.
- Why having a small footprint food production plan is so important.
- Edible and medicinal plant landscapes around our homes.
- Traditional ways to preserve your food
- How to UTILIZE your FOREVER FOOD - Surplus as a valuable BARTER asset in a worst case scenario situation…
• And a lot more...
CREEK! Welcome to the show brother.
MAIN TOPIC: Long Term Food Storage for Sheltering in Place: PART 3: Forever Food
Small Plot / Small Footprint Food Production - OVERVIEW [Creek] David add…
- Who is this FOR?
- Why is it IMPORTANT?
- Can Anyone Do this?
URBAN or Apartment Dwellers - Discuss Simple Options (For Urban Folks and Apartment Dwellers):
For those who may not have the option for large scale farming but still want to produce at least some of their own food.
- Container / Trellis / Window Garden / Victory Garden
- Reintroduce Sprouting - EVERYONE Can Sprout.
- MANY Cities have community gardens and CSA (we’ll talk more about this later).
Urban and Rural BEE KEEPING
- David’s Experience
- Thoughts?
- Creek limited Experience
- LINK: David’s Introduction to Beekeeping Video
Gardening w/ Heritage Seeds
- Raised beds
- Tips for Getting Started (Creek)
- What to Plant for Beginners?
- Composting / Up Cycling Food Scraps / Grass Cuttings (Carbon (leafs, card board) / Nitrogen (greens/grass clipping))
- Volunteers - Wild things that grow in gardens that you want to leave: Purslane, Lambs Quarter
Edible Landscaping
- Fruit trees
- Berry bushes
- Herbs
- Flowering Trees
- Ostrich Ferns
- Solomon’s Seal
- Roses
- Milkweed
- Daylily
Preserving Produce
- Freeze Drying
- Canning (Meats - Pressure Canning)
- Cold Storage (winter) - Root Cellar
- Smoking Meat
- Dehydrating
- How to Get Started?
- Practical?
- Local parks
- Foraging Maps
- Strategic Planting (Secret Wild Survival Gardens) - Milkweed, Jerusalem Artichoke, Parsnip
NEXT BEST THING TO FOREVER FOOD – Know Someone with FOREVER FOOD or BE Someone with Forever Food
Discuss the Power of FOOD Bartering - You can’t eat silver and goal. A long term food stash is a powerful barter item.
Work Part-time at Farm for Barter
- All farms need help and may be open to trading part time work for food
- Services/goods for barter
- Key: Establish Relationships NOW!
- Dairy
- Honey (the Original Sugar)
- Beef
- Chickens
- Produce
- Hay / Alfalfa (for feeding rabbits, etc.)
Find and Join a CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) and Volunteer in trade for a share of the Food.
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And don’t forget to go over to where you can also grab today’s show notes - for FREE by clicking on the Podcast at the top of the page … AND while you’re there checkout my MSK-1 survival knife and my COMING SOON super secret NEW knife - PLUS - my custom designed EDC survival kits and take 20% off my NEW Tiny First Aid Guide by using CODE: FIRSTAID20 at check out…
All right everyone, thanks for Joining us today! We’ll see YOU next time… on the Survival Show Podcast.
And Remember to… Keep it simple, Be positive and Stay Sharp!