Emergency Medical Care for Anywhere!
If things went really bad, and someone you love SUDDENLY required emergency medical care - RIGHT in front of you - could you save their life?
Every day folks like you (and me) are thrown into life and death situations without any warning. Too frequently people die needlessly because a medically-prepared person is not present to help. But...
YOU CAN be a disaster-ready, medically prepared LIFESAVER!

Hi, my name is David. I'm the Founder of Ultimate Survival Tips and the author of the Best Selling Tiny Survival Guide and the NEW Tiny First Aid Guide.
I developed the Tiny First Aid Guide to equip a disaster-ready, medically-prepared army (made up of freedom-loving people like you and me) to be prepared for a day when disaster suddenly strikes and help is NOT COMING.
Powerful, Concise, Step-by-Step Emergency Response, First Aid and Contingency Medicine - Training Tips and Tools...
To accomplish this goal, I have condensed the world's most authoritative preparedness, first aid and contingency medical practices into a rugged, compact, everyday carry, pocket guide that ANYONE (regardless of prior training or skill level) can easily use to save a life.
Here's Short VIDEO Overview...
When the Power is Out - Your Phone Fails You - DISASTER Strikes - or - Help is NOT Coming: Tiny First Aid Guide is There!
- A PROACTIVE, Everyday Carry, LEARNING TOOL - To Help You EASILY Prepare and Train - BEFORE a Medical Emergency.
- A REACTIVE, Pocket EMERGENCY RESPONSE GUIDE - To Help You Save Your Own Life (or the Life of Someone You Love) - DURING a crisis event.
Amazing "Go Everywhere" Mini EDC First Aid Guide! It's a Tough, Credit-Card Sized, Game Changing Tool - that Weights Almost Nothing, Fits in a Wallet, Pocket, Purse, Glove Box, Survival Kit, Backpack, First Aid Kit or Bug Out Bag - So YOU Can Carry It Everywhere - All the Time!
The World is Becoming More Dangerous - But Have NO Fear! INSIDE, You’ll Discover First Aid Tips for Almost Any Situation - INCLUDING:
• Hiking, Camping, and Hunting Emergencies • Urban Disasters / Pandemics / Outbreaks • Natural Disasters: Floods, Hurricanes, Earthquakes, Storms • Tactical and Military Operations • Worst Case Scenarios • Active Shooter and Other Mass Casualty Incidents • Vehicle and Airplane Accidents • And a lot MORE!

Powerful Built In Training System: Tiny Survival Guide Boils Down Over 35 Hours of Proven Survival Training Developed Over Four Years by Two Renowned Safety & Survival Educators.
INCLUDES 24 QR Code (Smart Phone) Scan Links to Audio, Video & Self-Paced Learning Resources + PLUS: • 167 Expert Tips • 51 Detailed Color Illustrations • 110 Life Saving Skills • 5 Mental Tips to Conquer Crisis • 19 Tactics First Responders Use • 10 "Killer" Mistakes to Avoid • PLUS Essential First Aid Gear Checklists
Who is Tiny Survival Guide For?
A GREAT GIFT for friends and family... Tiny Survival Guide is for anyone who likes to: travel, hike, camp, fish, backpack, go for a drive, a walk in the park, explore new urban destinations or be safe and prepared.
Save on Bulk Packs!
Giving a Tiny First Aid Guide to someone you love is one of the easiest ways you can prepare them for an inevitable crisis situation and comes in affordable 5 packs at a discount. NOTE: Contact us for Military, First Response or Disaster Relief Agency Volume Discounts.
Give Safety, Security, Peace of Mind to the Ones You Love
Tiny First Aid Guide is easy to read, fun to browse, interesting to learn from and is a life-saving resource you'll want to give to those you love.
Get Yours Today!