Use your Nalgene water bottle cap, a little water and our DIY - Water Bottle Compass Kit to make a legit "last ditch" compass in a survival situation.
This kit contains everything you need to make (2) two kits and INCLUDES: (2) Waterproof Compass Stickers (2) Magnetized Needles (2) Ranger Bands (2) Strike Anywhere Matches (1) Cork Float (1/2 for each kit) (1) Razor
Nalgene water bottle top NOT INCLUDED. Sticker fits most Nalgene style water bottles with a 2.0" or bigger circle on the inside of the water bottle cap. Sticker is 1.8" in diameter.
ALSO works with most 40 oz. Wide Mouth Kleen Kanteen lids.
See DIY Water Bottle Compass Kit "How To" Video on our Online "User Guide" HERE...